He said that piracy had affected everybody in the creative industry by preventing them from reaping from what they had sown.
“It is not just a Nigerian thing, it is everywhere and the difference is that other climes had brought it to a minimal level. We want the government to step in.“The government is the number one gatekeeper when it comes to piracy and they would benefit in a huge way.“It is the government that will make laws and policies and implement them, we are handicapped to fight it”, he said.
The musician added that it is one thing to make laws and it is another thing to implement the laws.
“They have to be serious and equip the necessary agencies mandated to do that so that it will be effective.“It has to be in order to make the creators of intellectual properties to gain from their work”’, he stressed.
Raw started his music career in 1992. Some of his songs so far
included: O Chukwu, (its God), Alleluyah, Adama and Nutty Nutty.
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